WS&LSC ‘Redevelopment Meeting’ #2 Minutes
Location: WSLSC Hall
Date:11 March 2024
Time: 4pm
Attendees: Approx. 25
Notes taken by: Liz Goga
Items discussed.
1 The purpose of this meeting was for a get together to further discuss areas and ideas for moving design area brief forward and an assessment of space and its use.
2. Liz Goga relayed Jason’s update on where we currently stand with the project.
1. Meeting with Melissa Horn: Claire and I recently had a productive meeting with
Mellissa Horne on Monday and I’m pleased to report that she is fully on board with our
key issues. She has verbally confirmed that the government will support an outdoor
pool after speaking with the appropriate department. However, she noted that it
needs to progress swiftly and remain within budget. Additionally, she is following up
with Melbourne Water to explore further possibilities regarding heights.
2. Council Meeting: Today, I met with the council, and although they seem hesitant
about additional work, they acknowledge the need to move forward and the need to
change. They have agreed to the following actions:
Sending me the previous briefing file.
Arranging for soil testing in the pool area and hall.
Obtaining a quantity survey report on the cost of refurbishing the current pool.
Obtaining a quantity survey report on the cost of a new 25m pool in a similar
3. Questions arising from Jason’s report:
Hasn’t soil testing already been done?
4. Iain Dickson presented a document titled “WS&LSC Area Schedule 02 IRD” a
spreadsheet identifying existing spaces v concept space in M2 and the meeting
worked through this document analysing and commenting on each space.
Comments have been noted on the document.
5. Points for consideration and ideas arising from the analysis and discussion.
Could consideration be given to rental of storage off site to house
occasionally used equipment. E.g. WOW Swim equipment. A storage
strategy would be required to ascertain what should be kept there.
Steam room not necessary but need to consult with potential users.
Should we be accommodating space for Ambulance Victoria? Perhaps
the need for some negotiation around a long-term lease is required
first. We need a commitment that they will be staying.
To clarify storage requirements, how many nipper boards does the Club need? If nipper sessions were staggered the number of nipper
boards required could be reduced, therefore reducing the storage
To clarify storage requirements, how many competition boards does
the Club need?
Could the Hall be lifted to allow for storage underneath?
Could the redevelopment be staged to accommodate the budget
constraints? E.g. develop further storage for surf boats in Stage 2
Could consideration be given to renting space from either of the
angling clubs to store some of the surf boats?
Do we need 2 entrances to the club facilities – one for in and one for out?
There was a suggestion that if Ambulance Victoria use the facilities on
a permanent basis VCAT would allow a second storey.
A nice addition in the pool redevelopment would be a kiddy pool
(assuming we will be reducing the size to the competition standard of
25 metre).
Noted that the design must allow for easy access to the beach for
patrollers and patrol equipment transfer.
Toilets need to be in close proximity to the pool area.
The gym space is definitely necessary, but need not be positioned on a
ground floor area. Could it be positioned on a second storey?
The idea of a permanent patrol tower situated in the middle of the
beach is a good idea. Would this mean that we would no longer need
to build a new patrol tower on the existing envelope?
A meeting and training room with modern teaching and training
equipment is necessary.
Potential for the office space be reduced in view of the move to virtual
offices now.
We need more clarification on what requirements are needed for
disabled access to the patrol tower. Does it require a lift or ramp or
It is necessary to include inviting spaces for Club social gatherings. A
kitchen and bar area that is open to the main hall space(can be closed
usually via a roller door) would enable the hall to be utilised as a social
space for dinner nights or fundraiser events. If the bar fridge is
permanently stocked with drinks and we have use of an oven, sink, pie
warmers etc it is very easy to host these events. Once the hall is free
from its main administrative use it can be furnished with tables or
couches to encourage members to stay and socialise and feel
welcome. It would also be a more attractive space to rent out of we
chose and be a lot easier to encourage bar and kitchen volunteers as
they will be part of the social area rather than shut in a room.
Collected information from this meeting will help inform the revised architect’s brief.