WS&LSC ‘Redevelopment Meeting’ #1 Minutes
Next meeting 11 March 2024 @ 4pm WS&LSC Club Rooms - Discussion about brief.
Items discussed:
1. Jason Wyatt opened the meeting, introduced himself as the elected members’ representative for the ‘Club Redevelopment’ and noted that the Claire Howell, Club President, sent her apologies for the meeting.
2. Jason introduced the members who had volunteered (to date) to assist with the redevelopment plans: Iain Dickson (ex Club President 2000-2014) who will be responsible for development of the Club needs Brief, Kane Treloar (ex Committee Member, current LSV Board member) who will provide support in relation to Life Saving and Pool requirements and general assistance to Jason and Samantha Cockfield (ex Secretary and Vice President) who will provide communications support. Joel Goode current Vice President was also introduced.
3. Jason noted:
a. Key to the Club’s success is being united in what we see a redeveloped looks like – perceptions of some Councillors and others is that we are not.
b. He would deal in facts and not opinion or supposition. Key facts at present are:
(a) The Club currently has approx. 1500 members (450+ Nippers & 80 patrollers)
(b) The Club has approx. $900k in the bank
(c) Key outcomes from recent Club Survey noted:
58% of respondents disagreed with the concept plans, feeling they do not align with the Club's Strategic Plan 2019-2024.
56% of respondents have identified the pool as their number one priority.
90% of respondents agree that the Club Pool is an important part of our facilities.
87% of respondents agree that the Club Pool is crucial in delivering our core responsibilities.
77% of respondents agree that the removal of the Club Pool would impact their future decisions regarding membership.
89% of respondents agree that the current front fence and Members’ Lawn space are vital for the Club's security and member amenity.
4. From the above Club Survey outcomes and ongoing feedback, it is evident that our members and the community are deeply passionate about three key issues:
a. retaining the Club’s outdoor pool
b. preserving the members' lawn space, and
c. maintaining the lease of the kiosk.
5. The survey outcomes and redevelopment priorities were noted in a letter sent to all Club members on 28 Feb 2024.
6. Funding available from State Gov for the redevelopment is $11.3 million less funds spent by HBCC for development work to date (approx.$800k of which some is for soil testing, surveyors etc, as well as first iteration of plans). Council will oversee the development and funding will be provided to it at the end of each milestone/stage. It’s clear from initial considerations, that more than $11.3 million will be required for the redevelopment – and Club fund raising will need to be considered.
7. Jason noted that he had met with several groups within the Club inc:
a. Save our Pool Group
b. ‘Boaties’
c. IRB representatives
d. Life Members
Other groups eg Nippers, Silver Salties would be welcome to approach the Working Group for representation.
8. Jason met with Project Manager from Hobsons Bay City Council (HBCC), Jake Trevaskis, who noted he is happy to continue to work with the Club via the Members’ Representative and the President. Jake provided verbal confirmation that the plans will not proceed without further consultation. Jake also confirmed that there is no release date as yet for the HBCC community foreshore survey results.
9. Jason also met with Councillor Hemphill from HBCC. He was pleased to hear from the Club as many rumours have been floating around about what the Club wanted in relation to the pool and a redeveloped Club premises.
10. Jason and the President will send a letter to HBCC Councillors, cc’d to Life Saving Vic (LSV) noting the club’s priorities and outcomes of survey.
11. In relation to the pool – Geothermal heating was being considered. Iain Dickson had a quote for approx. $300k with another $120k being required for a mechanically operated pool blanket. Pool should be able to be heated to 28 degrees year around.
12. Jason and Iain noted that there will need to be some compromises in relation to redevelopment plans – funding availability and reduced land area related to keeping the pool will mean we need to be smarter with our design, but also accept that we are unlikely to get all we would like.
13. Future requirements are being documented via a spreadsheet to form a brief. Legal and guideline requirements are being noted as mandatories. Once basics are completed the spreadsheet will be distributed for member consideration.
14. No timelines are in place but the Club needs to move quickly given the time already taken.
15. Communications were discussed:
a. For immediate future, all members will be contacted (email & Team Stack app) for notes from meeting and other communications. Sam C to look if there is a more efficient means of distributing information.
b. How to raise profile of key issues in HBCC community. Kaye Tomkins noted she would be sending out info to past members no longer in the HBCC area. Offers to repost info to Willy Past Present page, continue to use ‘Save our Pool’ facebook and website were made.
c. Frequently Asked Questions section will be developed to ensure consistent responses to questions.
d. Members meetings (as per tonight’s) will be held frequently – unlikely that long notice periods will be given, but notes of meeting will be available for all.
e. It was noted that most attendees at this meeting were older/life members and that a slightly later time might be more family friendly?
Around the Grounds Site Tour was undertaken with meeting attendees
2. From vantage of the center-walkway area. Jason and Iain asked whether there were any strong objections to demolition of the area to the back of the hall (from toilets and kitchen area) to rebuild double story area? No major objections noted, but later in the site visit the requirement for need for separate children’s change facilities were noted.
3. Visit to pool’s Sth East Cnr (wattle tree end):
a. Suggestion that pool could be shortened to 25m to create space for a patrol observation tower inc first aid room and patrol equipment area. Noting it would allow for observation of the beach/Chrystals and pool area from the cnr vantage point. And could be 3.0m above beach level
b. Jason asked if there were any strong objections to the pool being shortened to 25 metres which would not only create space but also allow school sports etc to be held in pool as it would be a qualifying distance. Four objections to shortening pool – noting that this should not be the first preference in future plans. Consideration be given to a possible children’s area in the pool. No objections to the patrol observation area.
4. Visit to back of pool Sth West Cnr (car park end)
a. Noted dead space at back of pool
b. Could possibly be used for storage of equipment, straight out to little beach (behind the groyne) and dedicated equipment wash area.
c. Some concerns raised about this idea – little beach is sheltered area for families; may not be ideal access point for all craft; cannot always move between the little beach and main beach i.e. during high tide, quad bike may not be able to get around. Also, a question as to whether a boat ramp would be required at the little beach? It was noted that Club was a first response organization and access to equipment was required 24 hours/7 days a week.
d. A member suggested that this end could be considered as a an option for the observation tower.
5. Moved to rear of the Club in car park, near the back gate:
a. Discussion about rear of building being double story with understory being used for storage of boards, boats etc and upper story for meeting rooms/ function area.
b. Further discussion ensued about access for emergency vehicles / could they access the back area of the club more efficiently.
c. A member noted that HBCC had not yet undertaken a risk assessment in relation to its foreshore plans (this came up in relation to tree planting but relevant to Club’s redevelopment).
d. A member noted that if more than 50% of the Club buildings were new – that all accessibility and environmental guidelines would need to be met including the pool (noted that further information would needed to understand what was required). It is agreed the pool improvements should meet accessible requirements.
e. Those in attendance did not note any major issues with most of the Club development being located at the rear of the hall if issues raised could be worked through.
Meeting closed reiterating:
Letters would be sent to HBCC cc to LSV ASAP
Consideration will be given to sending letter to Min Horne and/or State Gov. Dept (DJCS)
Notes from this meeting will be sent to members ASAP
The need to remain united, noting that were are human and mistakes will be made, if something doesn’t resonate with you please call it out, noting that some compromises will need to be made along the way.
Any questions/ ideas/ thoughts please email:
Action Items: Communications channels to be considered
Owner(s): Sam Cockfield
Deadline: ASAP
Status: In Progress
Action Items: Letters to HBCC & LSV
Owner(s): Jason & Claire
Deadline: ASAP
Status: In Progress
Action Items: Future meetings
Owner(s): Jason/Iain
Deadline: ASAP
Status: As required